Category: Uncategorized

Harvest 7-A

Hope your 4th of July holiday was blissful and y’all enjoyed yourselves. This week is a transition week for us in the harvest realm. No more cut greens until the Read More …

Harvest #6-B

Exciting developments in the PYO this week. . . the flowers look gorgeous!!!! Argostemma (aka Corn Cockle), snapdragons, clarkia, calendula, sweet peas, zinnias, statice, salvia, strawflowers, bee balm, gaillardia, and Read More …

Harvest #5 -A

Coming to you in this week’s harvest: Kale &/or ChardTurnipsRadishesSpring OnionsGarlic ScapesSalad Mix or LettuceSummer Squash-it’s starts out slow, but will have plenty for you soon!Butler’s Blueberries -adrienne

Harvest #4-B

Hello Folks, This is an important note, regarding the down county water main break—We have not, NOT, washed or cleaned any of the vegetables for Wednesday’s pick up, because of Read More …

Harvest #3-A

TurnipsRadishesMore Garlic Scapes!!Spring OnionsBaby Collards or Chard SpinachBraising Mix or Arugula PeasButler’s Strawberries Just a reminder that you should enjoy some Cilantro, Dill, Oregano and Thyme from the PYO. I Read More …

Harvest #2

Butler’s StrawberriesGarlic ScapesSpring OnionsRadishesBaby Kale BunchesGreens-of some sort New to the PYO this week: Cilantro, Dill, Yarrow flowers and Gaillardia flowers. Be prepared to grab some Lovage, as I’ve added Read More …

Harvest #1 2008!!!

Hello all, Here’s the first harvest of the 2008 season. Remember we start slow (small) and work up to an overflowing bounty. Spring OnionsBaby Turnips or RadishesTurnip GreensButler’s StrawberriesBraising Mix Read More …

Spring Planting

Here Adrienne and Craig are planting vegetable seeds in flats which are grown under lights till they get “moved on” to our gardens after the last frost- our last average Read More …