Month: June 2010

Havest Week #5-A

Oh, boy it’s HAWT out here this week! Veggies:Chard or Kale or CollardsSpring OnionsKohlrabiZucchini!!!Garlic ScapesGreen GarlicSweet PepperButler’s Blueberries

Harvest Week #4-B

This week we have a few new items to enjoy and a few repeats, but enjoy them while they last! Lettuce MixGarlic ScapesKale or CollardsSwiss ChardSpring Onions–they look gorgeous!TurnipsBeetsFava Beans–oh, Read More …

Harevst #3-A

Sorry Folks the week has gotten away from me and I haven’t posted the harvest list yet and it’s Thursday afternoon and I should be doing 10 other things….but here Read More …