Online Conference “Celebrating Care Farming: Adapting to Change”

April 06th, 2021

Care Farming is the therapeutic use of farming practices for marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. This model is common in the UK and Europe and goes by varying names, including Care Farming, Social Farming, and Social Care Farming; and the Care Farming movement is really growing all over the world.

We recently attended the online conference “Celebrating Care Farming: Adapting to Change” hosted by Social Farms & Gardens‘ Growing Care Farming (GCF) in the U.K. Watch this 2+ hour inspiring conference to learn more about GCF, GCF’s work so far, how Care Farms have adapted during the pandemic outside of the U.S., and more.

Red Wiggler Community Farm’s Care Farming Network’s goal is to strengthen existing Care Farms and to help new Care Farms start up. As a leader in the Care Farming movement in the U.S., we believe in the healing power of farming, gardening, and nature; and we have seen how it can change people’s lives. We believe there should be a Care Farm in every county in the U.S., and we hope you’ll be as inspired as we are and help us continue growing the Care Farming movement and network in the U.S.!