Harvest #7-A

Sorry for the delay, it’s been busy around here…but isn’t it always? What we’ve got for ya:This weeks Worms Voice- our CSA newsletter Head Lettuce (the last of it)TurnipsRadishesKohlrabiSpring OnionsChard Read More …

Harvest #4-B

Click here for this weeks Worms Voice Newsletter(and we’ve posted pdf’s of the back issues with each harvest post too) It’s starting to feel like Harvest Day = Rain Day. Read More …

Cluck Cluck!

As you may have seen on our facebook page, we’re thinking about getting chickens here on the farm. Well, really, we’re planning on getting chickens, but right now we’re in Read More …

Harvest 2-B

Michelle, will add more fun here in a moment. But for those anxious to know what’s coming your way this week. Here’s what we got:Baby Collards or KaleSalad MixSpinachRadishesSpring OnionsGarlic Read More …

Bluebird Report

Red Wiggler Bluebird Report at Ovid Haven Wells Park:16 of our 30 Bluebird boxes are now occupied. Red Wiggler has already fledged 20 young Bluebirds out of 4 nests. Currently Read More …